Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shirt Quilt

It's only taken quite a few months, but I've finally finished my little boy's cot quilt. Made from some of my husbands old shirts and a good quality (yet unused) bed sheet. I had to buy some new homespun fabric for the reverse, to complete it. But I did use up the last of the bamboo wadding I had in my stash. It's a pretty special quilt - made by me - but with something.from his Dad too. Love that about it!

The ironic thing is though - my beautiful boy isn't as keen on it. Pretty funny really. He already has a blanket that he's become pretty attached to recently and the new one just doesn't cut it, compared to the love he already has for blanket number one! Ah well, can't do much about it! I'm still using it in his cot - but it goes over the top of his other blanket.

I've started a single bed quilt for when he moves into a big bed - so hopefully that one will be a bit more popular!

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